You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

151 lines
5.4 KiB

4 years ago
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, version 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
#pragma once
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdint>
3 years ago
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
3 years ago
#include <unordered_map>
#include <optional>
3 years ago
#include "fmt/core.h"
#include "strophe.h"
#include "pgp.hh"
3 years ago
#include "omemo.hh"
#include "config.hh"
#include "channel.hh"
#include "connection.hh"
#include "user.hh"
4 years ago
namespace weechat
4 years ago
class channel;
class user;
void log_emit(void *const userdata, const xmpp_log_level_t level,
const char *const area, const char *const msg);
class account : public config_account
struct device
std::uint32_t id;
std::string name;
std::string label;
struct mam_query
std::string id;
std::string with;
std::optional<time_t> start;
std::optional<time_t> end;
bool disconnected = false;
std::unordered_map<std::uint32_t, device> devices;
std::unordered_map<std::string, mam_query> mam_queries;
bool is_connected = false;
int current_retry = 0;
int reconnect_delay = 0;
int reconnect_start = 0;
xmpp_mem_t memory = { nullptr };
xmpp_log_t logger = { nullptr };
std::string buffer_as_string;
friend void log_emit(void *const userdata, const xmpp_log_level_t level,
const char *const area, const char *const msg);
std::string name;
weechat::xmpp::pgp pgp;
weechat::xmpp::omemo omemo;
libstrophe::context context;
weechat::connection connection;
struct t_gui_buffer *buffer = nullptr;
std::unordered_map<std::string, weechat::channel> channels;
std::unordered_map<std::string, weechat::user> users;
std::unordered_map<std::string, struct t_config_option *> options;
int reloading_from_config = 0;
account(config_file& config_file, const std::string name);
static bool search(account* &out,
const std::string name, bool casesensitive = false);
static int timer_cb(const void *pointer, void *data, int remaining_calls);
static void disconnect_all();
bool connected() { return is_connected; }
bool search_device(device* out, std::uint32_t id);
void add_device(device *device);
void device_free_all();
xmpp_stanza_t *get_devicelist();
void add_mam_query(const std::string id, const std::string with,
std::optional<time_t> start, std::optional<time_t> end);
bool mam_query_search(mam_query* out, const std::string id);
void mam_query_remove(const std::string id);
void mam_query_free_all();
struct t_gui_buffer* create_buffer();
void disconnect(int reconnect);
void reset();
int connect();
std::string_view jid() {
if (connection && xmpp_conn_is_connected(connection))
return xmpp_jid_bare(context, xmpp_conn_get_bound_jid(connection));
return this->option_jid.string();
void jid(std::string jid) { this->option_jid = jid; }
std::string_view jid_device() {
if (connection && xmpp_conn_is_connected(connection))
return xmpp_conn_get_bound_jid(connection);
return xmpp_jid_new(context,
xmpp_jid_node(context, this->option_jid.string().data()),
xmpp_jid_domain(context, this->option_jid.string().data()),
std::string_view password() { return this->option_password.string(); }
void password(std::string password) { this->option_password = password; }
tls_policy tls() { return static_cast<tls_policy>(this->option_tls.integer()); }
void tls(tls_policy tls) { this->option_tls = fmt::format("%d", static_cast<int>(tls)); }
void tls(std::string tls) { this->option_tls = tls; }
std::string_view nickname() { return this->option_nickname.string(); }
void nickname(std::string nickname) { this->option_nickname = nickname; }
bool autoconnect() { return this->option_autoconnect.boolean(); }
void autoconnect(bool autoconnect) { this->option_autoconnect = autoconnect ? "on" : "off"; }
void autoconnect(std::string autoconnect) { this->option_autoconnect = autoconnect; }
std::string_view resource() { return this->option_resource.string(); }
void resource(std::string resource) { this->option_resource = resource; }
std::string_view status() { return this->option_status.string(); }
void status(std::string status) { this->option_status = status; }
std::string_view pgp_path() { return this->option_pgp_path.string(); }
void pgp_path(std::string pgp_path) { this->option_pgp_path = pgp_path; }
std::string_view pgp_keyid() { return this->option_pgp_keyid.string(); }
void pgp_keyid(std::string pgp_keyid) { this->option_pgp_keyid = pgp_keyid; }
extern std::unordered_map<std::string, account> accounts;