// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, version 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct t_omemo_db { MDB_env *env; MDB_dbi dbi_omemo; }; #include "plugin.h" #include "account.h" #include "omemo.h" #define mdb_val_str(s) { \ .mv_data = s, .mv_size = strlen(s), \ } #define mdb_val_intptr(i) { \ .mv_data = i, .mv_size = sizeof(*i), \ } #define mdb_val_sizeof(t) { \ .mv_data = NULL, .mv_size = sizeof(t), \ } const char *OMEMO_ADVICE = "[OMEMO encrypted message (XEP-0384)]"; void signal_protocol_address_free(signal_protocol_address* ptr) { if (!ptr) return; if (ptr->name) { free((void*)ptr->name); } return free(ptr); } void signal_protocol_address_set_name(signal_protocol_address* self, const char* name) { if (!self) return; if (!name) return; char* n = malloc(strlen(name)+1); memcpy(n, name, strlen(name)); n[strlen(name)] = 0; if (self->name) { free((void*)self->name); } self->name = n; self->name_len = strlen(n); } char* signal_protocol_address_get_name(signal_protocol_address* self) { if (!self) return NULL; if (!self->name) return 0; char* res = malloc(sizeof(char) * (self->name_len + 1)); memcpy(res, self->name, self->name_len); res[self->name_len] = 0; return res; } int32_t signal_protocol_address_get_device_id(signal_protocol_address* self) { if (!self) return -1; return self->device_id; } void signal_protocol_address_set_device_id(signal_protocol_address* self, int32_t device_id) { if (!self) return; self->device_id = device_id; } signal_protocol_address* signal_protocol_address_new(const char* name, int32_t device_id) { if (!name) return NULL; signal_protocol_address* address = malloc(sizeof(signal_protocol_address)); address->device_id = -1; address->name = NULL; signal_protocol_address_set_name(address, name); signal_protocol_address_set_device_id(address, device_id); return address; } int aes_cipher(int cipher, size_t key_len, int* algo, int* mode) { switch (key_len) { case 16: *algo = GCRY_CIPHER_AES128; break; case 24: *algo = GCRY_CIPHER_AES192; break; case 32: *algo = GCRY_CIPHER_AES256; break; default: return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; } switch (cipher) { case SG_CIPHER_AES_CBC_PKCS5: *mode = GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CBC; break; case SG_CIPHER_AES_CTR_NOPADDING: *mode = GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CTR; break; default: return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; } return SG_SUCCESS; } void lock_function(void *user_data) { (void) user_data; } void unlock_function(void *user_data) { (void) user_data; } int cp_randomize(uint8_t *data, size_t len) { gcry_randomize(data, len, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM); return SG_SUCCESS; } int cp_random_generator(uint8_t *data, size_t len, void *user_data) { (void) user_data; gcry_randomize(data, len, GCRY_STRONG_RANDOM); return SG_SUCCESS; } int cp_hmac_sha256_init(void **hmac_context, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, void *user_data) { (void) user_data; gcry_mac_hd_t* ctx = malloc(sizeof(gcry_mac_hd_t)); if (!ctx) return SG_ERR_NOMEM; if (gcry_mac_open(ctx, GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA256, 0, 0)) { free(ctx); return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; } if (gcry_mac_setkey(*ctx, key, key_len)) { free(ctx); return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; } *hmac_context = ctx; return SG_SUCCESS; } int cp_hmac_sha256_update(void *hmac_context, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len, void *user_data) { (void) user_data; gcry_mac_hd_t* ctx = hmac_context; if (gcry_mac_write(*ctx, data, data_len)) return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; return SG_SUCCESS; } int cp_hmac_sha256_final(void *hmac_context, signal_buffer **output, void *user_data) { (void) user_data; size_t len = gcry_mac_get_algo_maclen(GCRY_MAC_HMAC_SHA256); uint8_t md[len]; gcry_mac_hd_t* ctx = hmac_context; if (gcry_mac_read(*ctx, md, &len)) return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; signal_buffer *output_buffer = signal_buffer_create(md, len); if (!output_buffer) return SG_ERR_NOMEM; *output = output_buffer; return SG_SUCCESS; } void cp_hmac_sha256_cleanup(void *hmac_context, void *user_data) { (void) user_data; gcry_mac_hd_t* ctx = hmac_context; if (ctx) { gcry_mac_close(*ctx); free(ctx); } } int cp_sha512_digest_init(void **digest_context, void *user_data) { (void) user_data; gcry_md_hd_t* ctx = malloc(sizeof(gcry_mac_hd_t)); if (!ctx) return SG_ERR_NOMEM; if (gcry_md_open(ctx, GCRY_MD_SHA512, 0)) { free(ctx); return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; } *digest_context = ctx; return SG_SUCCESS; } int cp_sha512_digest_update(void *digest_context, const uint8_t *data, size_t data_len, void *user_data) { (void) user_data; gcry_md_hd_t* ctx = digest_context; gcry_md_write(*ctx, data, data_len); return SG_SUCCESS; } int cp_sha512_digest_final(void *digest_context, signal_buffer **output, void *user_data) { (void) user_data; size_t len = gcry_md_get_algo_dlen(GCRY_MD_SHA512); gcry_md_hd_t* ctx = digest_context; uint8_t* md = gcry_md_read(*ctx, GCRY_MD_SHA512); if (!md) return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; gcry_md_reset(*ctx); signal_buffer *output_buffer = signal_buffer_create(md, len); free(md); if (!output_buffer) return SG_ERR_NOMEM; *output = output_buffer; return SG_SUCCESS; } void cp_sha512_digest_cleanup(void *digest_context, void *user_data) { (void) user_data; gcry_md_hd_t* ctx = digest_context; if (ctx) { gcry_md_close(*ctx); free(ctx); } } int cp_encrypt(signal_buffer **output, int cipher, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, const uint8_t *iv, size_t iv_len, const uint8_t *plaintext, size_t plaintext_len, void *user_data) { (void) user_data; int algo, mode, error_code = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; if (aes_cipher(cipher, key_len, &algo, &mode)) return SG_ERR_INVAL; gcry_cipher_hd_t ctx = {0}; if (gcry_cipher_open(&ctx, algo, mode, 0)) return SG_ERR_NOMEM; signal_buffer* padded = 0; signal_buffer* out_buf = 0; goto no_error; error: gcry_cipher_close(ctx); if (padded != 0) { signal_buffer_bzero_free(padded); } if (out_buf != 0) { signal_buffer_free(out_buf); } return error_code; no_error: if (gcry_cipher_setkey(ctx, key, key_len)) goto error; uint8_t tag_len = 0, pad_len = 0; switch (cipher) { case SG_CIPHER_AES_CBC_PKCS5: if (gcry_cipher_setiv(ctx, iv, iv_len)) goto error; pad_len = 16 - (plaintext_len % 16); if (pad_len == 0) pad_len = 16; break; case SG_CIPHER_AES_CTR_NOPADDING: if (gcry_cipher_setctr(ctx, iv, iv_len)) goto error; break; default: return SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; } size_t padded_len = plaintext_len + pad_len; padded = signal_buffer_alloc(padded_len); if (padded == 0) { error_code = SG_ERR_NOMEM; goto error; } memset(signal_buffer_data(padded) + plaintext_len, pad_len, pad_len); memcpy(signal_buffer_data(padded), plaintext, plaintext_len); out_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(padded_len + tag_len); if (out_buf == 0) { error_code = SG_ERR_NOMEM; goto error; } if (gcry_cipher_encrypt(ctx, signal_buffer_data(out_buf), padded_len, signal_buffer_data(padded), padded_len)) goto error; if (tag_len > 0) { if (gcry_cipher_gettag(ctx, signal_buffer_data(out_buf) + padded_len, tag_len)) goto error; } *output = out_buf; out_buf = 0; signal_buffer_bzero_free(padded); padded = 0; gcry_cipher_close(ctx); return SG_SUCCESS; } int cp_decrypt(signal_buffer **output, int cipher, const uint8_t *key, size_t key_len, const uint8_t *iv, size_t iv_len, const uint8_t *ciphertext, size_t ciphertext_len, void *user_data) { (void) user_data; int algo, mode, error_code = SG_ERR_UNKNOWN; *output = 0; if (aes_cipher(cipher, key_len, &algo, &mode)) return SG_ERR_INVAL; if (ciphertext_len == 0) return SG_ERR_INVAL; gcry_cipher_hd_t ctx = {0}; if (gcry_cipher_open(&ctx, algo, mode, 0)) return SG_ERR_NOMEM; signal_buffer* out_buf = 0; goto no_error; error: gcry_cipher_close(ctx); if (out_buf != 0) { signal_buffer_bzero_free(out_buf); } return error_code; no_error: if (gcry_cipher_setkey(ctx, key, key_len)) goto error; uint8_t tag_len = 0, pkcs_pad = 0; switch (cipher) { case SG_CIPHER_AES_CBC_PKCS5: if (gcry_cipher_setiv(ctx, iv, iv_len)) goto error; pkcs_pad = 1; break; case SG_CIPHER_AES_CTR_NOPADDING: if (gcry_cipher_setctr(ctx, iv, iv_len)) goto error; break; default: goto error; } size_t padded_len = ciphertext_len - tag_len; out_buf = signal_buffer_alloc(padded_len); if (out_buf == 0) { error_code = SG_ERR_NOMEM; goto error; } if (gcry_cipher_decrypt(ctx, signal_buffer_data(out_buf), signal_buffer_len(out_buf), ciphertext, padded_len)) goto error; if (tag_len > 0) { if (gcry_cipher_checktag(ctx, ciphertext + padded_len, tag_len)) goto error; } if (pkcs_pad) { uint8_t pad_len = signal_buffer_data(out_buf)[padded_len - 1]; if (pad_len > 16 || pad_len > padded_len) goto error; *output = signal_buffer_create(signal_buffer_data(out_buf), padded_len - pad_len); signal_buffer_bzero_free(out_buf); out_buf = 0; } else { *output = out_buf; out_buf = 0; } gcry_cipher_close(ctx); return SG_SUCCESS; } int iks_get_identity_key_pair(signal_buffer **public_data, signal_buffer **private_data, void *user_data) { struct t_omemo *omemo = (struct t_omemo *)user_data; MDB_txn *transaction; MDB_val k_local_private_key = mdb_val_str("local_private_key"); MDB_val k_local_public_key = mdb_val_str("local_public_key"); MDB_val v_local_private_key, v_local_public_key; // Get the local client's identity key pair if (mdb_txn_begin(omemo->db->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to open lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); } if (mdb_get(transaction, omemo->db->dbi_omemo, &k_local_private_key, &v_local_private_key) && mdb_get(transaction, omemo->db->dbi_omemo, &k_local_public_key, &v_local_public_key)) { *private_data = signal_buffer_create(v_local_private_key.mv_data, v_local_private_key.mv_size); *public_data = signal_buffer_create(v_local_public_key.mv_data, v_local_public_key.mv_size); if (mdb_txn_commit(transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to write lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; } else { struct ratchet_identity_key_pair *identity; mdb_txn_abort(transaction); if (mdb_txn_begin(omemo->db->env, NULL, 0, &transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to open lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; } signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_identity_key_pair( &identity, omemo->context); ec_private_key *private_key = ratchet_identity_key_pair_get_private(identity); ec_public_key *public_key = ratchet_identity_key_pair_get_public(identity); ec_private_key_serialize(private_data, private_key); ec_public_key_serialize(public_data, public_key); v_local_private_key.mv_data = signal_buffer_data(*private_data); v_local_private_key.mv_size = signal_buffer_len(*private_data); v_local_public_key.mv_data = signal_buffer_data(*public_data); v_local_public_key.mv_size = signal_buffer_len(*public_data); if (mdb_put(transaction, omemo->db->dbi_omemo, &k_local_private_key, &v_local_private_key, MDB_NOOVERWRITE) && mdb_put(transaction, omemo->db->dbi_omemo, &k_local_public_key, &v_local_public_key, MDB_NOOVERWRITE)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to write lmdb value", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; if (mdb_txn_commit(transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to write lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; } return 0; } int iks_get_local_registration_id(void *user_data, uint32_t *registration_id) { struct t_omemo *omemo = (struct t_omemo *)user_data; MDB_txn *transaction; MDB_val k_local_registration_id = mdb_val_str("local_registration_id"); MDB_val v_local_registration_id = mdb_val_sizeof(uint32_t); // Return the local client's registration ID if (mdb_txn_begin(omemo->db->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to open lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; } if (mdb_get(transaction, omemo->db->dbi_omemo, &k_local_registration_id, &v_local_registration_id)) { *registration_id = *(uint32_t*)v_local_registration_id.mv_data; if (mdb_txn_commit(transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to write lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; } else { mdb_txn_abort(transaction); if (mdb_txn_begin(omemo->db->env, NULL, 0, &transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to open lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; } signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_registration_id( (uint32_t*)&v_local_registration_id.mv_data, 0, omemo->context); if (mdb_put(transaction, omemo->db->dbi_omemo, &k_local_registration_id, &v_local_registration_id, MDB_NOOVERWRITE)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to write lmdb value", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; if (mdb_txn_commit(transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to write lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; } return 0; } int iks_save_identity(const signal_protocol_address *address, uint8_t *key_data, size_t key_len, void *user_data) { struct t_omemo *omemo = (struct t_omemo *)user_data; MDB_txn *transaction; MDB_val k_registration_id = { .mv_data = NULL, .mv_size = strlen("registration_id_") + address->name_len, }; MDB_val v_registration_id = mdb_val_intptr((uint32_t*)&address->device_id); MDB_val k_identity_key = { .mv_data = NULL, .mv_size = strlen("identity_key_") + address->name_len, }; MDB_val v_identity_key = {.mv_data = key_data, .mv_size = key_len}; k_registration_id.mv_data = malloc(sizeof(char) * ( k_registration_id.mv_size + 1)); snprintf(k_registration_id.mv_data, k_registration_id.mv_size, "registration_id_%s", address->name); k_identity_key.mv_data = malloc(sizeof(char) * ( k_identity_key.mv_size + 1)); snprintf(k_identity_key.mv_data, k_identity_key.mv_size, "identity_key_%s", address->name); // Save a remote client's identity key if (mdb_txn_begin(omemo->db->env, NULL, 0, &transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to open lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; } if (mdb_put(transaction, omemo->db->dbi_omemo, &k_registration_id, &v_registration_id, 0) || mdb_put(transaction, omemo->db->dbi_omemo, &k_identity_key, &v_identity_key, 0)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to write lmdb value", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; if (mdb_txn_commit(transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to write lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; return 0; } int iks_is_trusted_identity(const signal_protocol_address *address, uint8_t *key_data, size_t key_len, void *user_data) { struct t_omemo *omemo = (struct t_omemo *)user_data; MDB_txn *transaction; MDB_val k_registration_id = { .mv_data = NULL, .mv_size = strlen("registration_id_") + address->name_len, }; MDB_val v_registration_id = mdb_val_intptr((uint32_t*)&address->device_id); MDB_val k_identity_key = { .mv_data = NULL, .mv_size = strlen("identity_key_") + address->name_len, }; MDB_val v_identity_key = {.mv_data = key_data, .mv_size = key_len}; int trusted = 1; k_registration_id.mv_data = malloc(sizeof(char) * ( k_registration_id.mv_size + 1)); snprintf(k_registration_id.mv_data, k_registration_id.mv_size, "registration_id_%s", address->name); k_identity_key.mv_data = malloc(sizeof(char) * ( k_identity_key.mv_size + 1)); snprintf(k_identity_key.mv_data, k_identity_key.mv_size, "identity_key_%s", address->name); // Verify a remote client's identity key if (mdb_txn_begin(omemo->db->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to open lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; } if (mdb_get(transaction, omemo->db->dbi_omemo, &k_registration_id, &v_registration_id) || mdb_get(transaction, omemo->db->dbi_omemo, &k_identity_key, &v_identity_key)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to write lmdb value", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; if (*(uint32_t*)v_registration_id.mv_data != (uint32_t)address->device_id) trusted = 0; if (v_identity_key.mv_size != key_len || memcmp(v_identity_key.mv_data, key_data, key_len) != 0) trusted = 0; if (mdb_txn_commit(transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to write lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; return trusted; } void iks_destroy_func(void *user_data) { struct t_omemo *omemo = (struct t_omemo *)user_data; (void) omemo; // Function called to perform cleanup when the data store context is being destroyed } int pks_load_pre_key(signal_buffer **record, uint32_t pre_key_id, void *user_data) { struct t_omemo *omemo = (struct t_omemo *)user_data; MDB_txn *transaction; MDB_val k_pre_key = mdb_val_str("pre_key"); MDB_val v_pre_key; if (mdb_txn_begin(omemo->db->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to open lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); } if (mdb_get(transaction, omemo->db->dbi_omemo, &k_pre_key, &v_pre_key)) { *record = signal_buffer_create(v_pre_key.mv_data, v_pre_key.mv_size); if (mdb_txn_commit(transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to close lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; } else { signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *pre_keys_list; session_pre_key *pre_key = NULL; mdb_txn_abort(transaction); /* signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_pre_keys( &pre_keys_list, 0, 100, omemo->context); pre_key = signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_element(pre_keys_list); signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_next(pre_keys_list); uint32_t id = session_pre_key_get_id(pre_key); session_pre_key_serialize(&record, pre_key); signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_free(pre_keys_list); if (mdb_txn_begin(omemo->db->env, NULL, 0, &transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to open lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; } v_pre_key.mv_data = signal_buffer_data(*record); v_pre_key.mv_size = signal_buffer_len(*record); if (mdb_put(transaction, omemo->db->dbi_omemo, &k_pre_key, &v_pre_key, MDB_NOOVERWRITE)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to write lmdb value", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; if (mdb_txn_commit(transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to write lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; */ return -1; } return 0; } int pks_store_pre_key(uint32_t pre_key_id, uint8_t *record, size_t record_len, void *user_data) { (void) pre_key_id; (void) record; (void) record_len; (void) user_data; return -1; struct t_omemo *omemo = (struct t_omemo *)user_data; MDB_txn *transaction; MDB_val k_pre_key = mdb_val_str("pre_key"); MDB_val v_pre_key; if (mdb_txn_begin(omemo->db->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to open lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); } if (mdb_get(transaction, omemo->db->dbi_omemo, &k_pre_key, &v_pre_key)) { *record = signal_buffer_create(v_pre_key.mv_data, v_pre_key.mv_size); if (mdb_txn_commit(transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to close lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; } else { signal_protocol_key_helper_pre_key_list_node *pre_keys_list; session_pre_key *pre_key = NULL; mdb_txn_abort(transaction); /* signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_pre_keys( &pre_keys_list, 0, 100, omemo->context); pre_key = signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_element(pre_keys_list); signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_next(pre_keys_list); uint32_t id = session_pre_key_get_id(pre_key); session_pre_key_serialize(&record, pre_key); signal_protocol_key_helper_key_list_free(pre_keys_list); if (mdb_txn_begin(omemo->db->env, NULL, 0, &transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to open lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; } v_pre_key.mv_data = signal_buffer_data(*record); v_pre_key.mv_size = signal_buffer_len(*record); if (mdb_put(transaction, omemo->db->dbi_omemo, &k_pre_key, &v_pre_key, MDB_NOOVERWRITE)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to write lmdb value", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; if (mdb_txn_commit(transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to write lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); return -1; }; */ return -1; } return 0; } int pks_contains_pre_key(uint32_t pre_key_id, void *user_data) { (void) pre_key_id; (void) user_data; return -1; } int pks_remove_pre_key(uint32_t pre_key_id, void *user_data) { (void) pre_key_id; (void) user_data; return -1; } void pks_destroy_func(void *user_data) { (void) user_data; } int spks_load_signed_pre_key(signal_buffer **record, uint32_t signed_pre_key_id, void *user_data) { (void) record; (void) signed_pre_key_id; (void) user_data; return -1; //session_signed_pre_key *signed_pre_key; //int start_id = 0; //time_t timestamp = time(NULL); //signal_protocol_key_helper_generate_signed_pre_key(&signed_pre_key, new_omemo->identity, 5, timestamp, new_omemo->context); } int spks_store_signed_pre_key(uint32_t signed_pre_key_id, uint8_t *record, size_t record_len, void *user_data) { (void) signed_pre_key_id; (void) record; (void) record_len; (void) user_data; return -1; } int spks_contains_signed_pre_key(uint32_t signed_pre_key_id, void *user_data) { (void) signed_pre_key_id; (void) user_data; return -1; } int spks_remove_signed_pre_key(uint32_t signed_pre_key_id, void *user_data) { (void) signed_pre_key_id; (void) user_data; return -1; } void spks_destroy_func(void *user_data) { (void) user_data; } int ss_load_session_func(signal_buffer **record, signal_buffer **user_record, const signal_protocol_address *address, void *user_data) { (void) record; (void) user_record; (void) address; (void) user_data; return -1; } int ss_get_sub_device_sessions_func(signal_int_list **sessions, const char *name, size_t name_len, void *user_data) { (void) sessions; (void) name; (void) name_len; (void) user_data; return -1; } int ss_store_session_func(const signal_protocol_address *address, uint8_t *record, size_t record_len, uint8_t *user_record, size_t user_record_len, void *user_data) { (void) address; (void) record; (void) record_len; (void) user_record; (void) user_record_len; (void) user_data; return -1; } int ss_contains_session_func(const signal_protocol_address *address, void *user_data) { (void) address; (void) user_data; return -1; } int ss_delete_session_func(const signal_protocol_address *address, void *user_data) { (void) address; (void) user_data; return -1; } int ss_delete_all_sessions_func(const char *name, size_t name_len, void *user_data) { (void) name; (void) name_len; (void) user_data; return -1; } void ss_destroy_func(void *user_data) { (void) user_data; } int sks_store_sender_key(const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_name, uint8_t *record, size_t record_len, uint8_t *user_record, size_t user_record_len, void *user_data) { (void) sender_key_name; (void) record; (void) record_len; (void) user_record; (void) user_record_len; (void) user_data; return -1; } int sks_load_sender_key(signal_buffer **record, signal_buffer **user_record, const signal_protocol_sender_key_name *sender_key_name, void *user_data) { (void) record; (void) user_record; (void) sender_key_name; (void) user_data; return -1; } void sks_destroy_func(void *user_data) { (void) user_data; } void omemo__log_emit_weechat(int level, const char *message, size_t len, void *user_data) { struct t_gui_buffer *buffer = (struct t_gui_buffer*)user_data; static const char *log_level_name[5] = {"error", "warn", "notice", "info", "debug"}; const char *tags = level < SG_LOG_DEBUG ? "no_log" : NULL; weechat_printf_date_tags( buffer, 0, tags, _("%somemo (%s): %.*s"), weechat_prefix("network"), log_level_name[level], len, message); } void omemo__init(struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_omemo **omemo, const char *account_name) { struct t_omemo *new_omemo; gcry_check_version(NULL); new_omemo = calloc(1, sizeof(**omemo)); new_omemo->db = malloc(sizeof(struct t_omemo_db)); signal_context_create(&new_omemo->context, buffer); signal_context_set_log_function(new_omemo->context, &omemo__log_emit_weechat); mdb_env_create(&new_omemo->db->env); mdb_env_set_maxdbs(new_omemo->db->env, 50); mdb_env_set_mapsize(new_omemo->db->env, (size_t)1048576 * 100000); // 1MB * 100000 char *path = weechat_string_eval_expression("${weechat_data_dir}/xmpp.omemo.db", NULL, NULL, NULL); if (mdb_env_open(new_omemo->db->env, path, MDB_NOSUBDIR, 0664) != 0) { return; } free(path); MDB_txn *parentTransaction = NULL; MDB_txn *transaction; if (mdb_txn_begin(new_omemo->db->env, parentTransaction, 0 ? MDB_RDONLY : 0, &transaction)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to open lmdb transaction", weechat_prefix("error")); } size_t db_name_len = strlen("omemo_") + strlen(account_name); char *db_name = malloc(sizeof(char) * (db_name_len + 1)); snprintf(db_name, db_name_len+1, "identity_key_%s", account_name); if (mdb_dbi_open(transaction, db_name, MDB_DUPSORT | MDB_CREATE, &new_omemo->db->dbi_omemo)) { weechat_printf(NULL, "%sxmpp: failed to open lmdb database", weechat_prefix("error")); } mdb_txn_abort(transaction); struct signal_crypto_provider crypto_provider = { .random_func = &cp_random_generator, .hmac_sha256_init_func = &cp_hmac_sha256_init, .hmac_sha256_update_func = &cp_hmac_sha256_update, .hmac_sha256_final_func = &cp_hmac_sha256_final, .hmac_sha256_cleanup_func = &cp_hmac_sha256_cleanup, .sha512_digest_init_func = &cp_sha512_digest_init, .sha512_digest_update_func = &cp_sha512_digest_update, .sha512_digest_final_func = &cp_sha512_digest_final, .sha512_digest_cleanup_func = &cp_sha512_digest_cleanup, .encrypt_func = &cp_encrypt, .decrypt_func = &cp_decrypt, .user_data = new_omemo, }; signal_context_set_crypto_provider(new_omemo->context, &crypto_provider); signal_context_set_locking_functions(new_omemo->context, &lock_function, &unlock_function); signal_protocol_store_context_create(&new_omemo->store_context, new_omemo->context); struct signal_protocol_identity_key_store identity_key_store = { .get_identity_key_pair = &iks_get_identity_key_pair, .get_local_registration_id = &iks_get_local_registration_id, .save_identity = &iks_save_identity, .is_trusted_identity = &iks_is_trusted_identity, .destroy_func = &iks_destroy_func, .user_data = new_omemo, }; signal_protocol_store_context_set_identity_key_store( new_omemo->store_context, &identity_key_store); struct signal_protocol_pre_key_store pre_key_store = { .load_pre_key = &pks_load_pre_key, .store_pre_key = &pks_store_pre_key, .contains_pre_key = &pks_contains_pre_key, .remove_pre_key = &pks_remove_pre_key, .destroy_func = &pks_destroy_func, .user_data = new_omemo, }; signal_protocol_store_context_set_pre_key_store( new_omemo->store_context, &pre_key_store); struct signal_protocol_signed_pre_key_store signed_pre_key_store = { .load_signed_pre_key = &spks_load_signed_pre_key, .store_signed_pre_key = &spks_store_signed_pre_key, .contains_signed_pre_key = &spks_contains_signed_pre_key, .remove_signed_pre_key = &spks_remove_signed_pre_key, .destroy_func = &spks_destroy_func, .user_data = new_omemo, }; signal_protocol_store_context_set_signed_pre_key_store( new_omemo->store_context, &signed_pre_key_store); struct signal_protocol_session_store session_store = { .load_session_func = &ss_load_session_func, .get_sub_device_sessions_func = &ss_get_sub_device_sessions_func, .store_session_func = &ss_store_session_func, .contains_session_func = &ss_contains_session_func, .delete_session_func = &ss_delete_session_func, .delete_all_sessions_func = &ss_delete_all_sessions_func, .destroy_func = &ss_destroy_func, .user_data = new_omemo, }; signal_protocol_store_context_set_session_store( new_omemo->store_context, &session_store); struct signal_protocol_sender_key_store sender_key_store = { .store_sender_key = &sks_store_sender_key, .load_sender_key = &sks_load_sender_key, .destroy_func = &sks_destroy_func, .user_data = new_omemo, }; signal_protocol_store_context_set_sender_key_store( new_omemo->store_context, &sender_key_store); *omemo = new_omemo; } void omemo__serialize(struct t_omemo *omemo, char **device, char **identity, size_t *identity_len) { if (device) { size_t id_slen = log10(omemo->device_id) * 2; char *id = malloc(sizeof(char) * id_slen); snprintf(id, id_slen, "%d", omemo->device_id); *device = id; } if (identity) { signal_buffer *buffer; ratchet_identity_key_pair_serialize(&buffer, omemo->identity); size_t key_slen = signal_buffer_len(buffer) * 2; char *key = malloc(sizeof(char) * key_slen); size_t length = weechat_string_base_encode(64, (char*)signal_buffer_data(buffer), signal_buffer_len(buffer), key); *identity = key; if (identity_len) *identity_len = length; } } void omemo__deserialize(struct t_omemo *omemo, const char *device, const char *identity, size_t identity_len) { if (device) { uint32_t id = device[0] ? atoi(device) : 0; omemo->device_id = id; } if (identity) { uint8_t *key = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * identity_len); size_t length = weechat_string_base_decode(64, identity, (char*)key); ratchet_identity_key_pair_deserialize(&omemo->identity, key, length, omemo->context); } } void omemo__free(struct t_omemo *omemo) { if (omemo) { if (omemo->context) signal_context_destroy(omemo->context); if (omemo->identity) ratchet_identity_key_pair_destroy( (signal_type_base *)omemo->identity); free(omemo); } }